Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Weapons Found During Zuccotti Park Cleanup

From Fox News:
A number of weapons were discovered in New York’s Zuccotti Park after Occupy Wall Street protesters were evicted by the Police Department last week, law enforcement sources tell Fox News.

Gardeners employed by the park owners, Brookfield Properties, to clean up the mess made by occupiers during their two-month stay discovered various knives, including a large kitchen knife and other potential instruments of violence in flower beds throughout the public space, according to officials.

“We (NYPD) aren't taking the weapons, building security is,” said a high-ranking [police] officer... “Security at the Brookfield building across from Zuccotti. They have all the weapons.”...

A court motion related to the clearing of the park filed by Deputy Mayor Cas Halloway last week noted that, “Makeshift items that can be used as weapons, such as cardboard tubes with metal pipes inside, had been observed among the occupiers’ possessions.”...

The motion also noted that “knives, mace and hypodermic needles were observed discarded onto the roadway,” after an Oct.1 Occupy Wall Street march across the Brooklyn Bridge.


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