Monday, January 2, 2012

Campaigner-in-Chief to begin new year campaigning

"Obama ending vacation, readying for re-election", reads the latest AP headline.

The AP reports:
"With an eye on the 2012 campaign, President Barack Obama is wrapping up a low-key Hawaiian vacation and planning to quickly get back in front of voters as he ratchets up his bid for re-election."

After more than a week out of the spotlight, Obama plans to make his presence in the campaign quickly known.

The president will host a live web chat with supporters in Iowa Tuesday night as the caucuses are unfolding...
Likewise, the AP reported on Saturday: "Absent any major policy pushes, much of the year will focus on winning a second term."

Yes, the President is ignoring his Presidential duties and focusing on his campaign. But you can't really blame him for that, because ultimately running a country is not really his thing - it's not his cup of tea. In fact, working at a full-time job is not really his thing either.

Obama is a skillful community organizer and an excellent campaigner, and rather than concentrate his efforts on his weaknesess, like his ability to lead, run a country and do the job he is being payed to do, he is focusing his time and energy on his strengths.

Bear in mind: Obama announced his bid for the Presidency in February of 2007 before he even had time to warm up his newly minted Senate seat.

Indeed, Obama is the quintessential politician, who enjoys the art of political rhetoric and relishes the opportunity to both orate and play the 'blame' game.

It's his thing.

And now that he has finished frolicking in Hawaii, he can concentrate on his real passion.

Yes, it is true, the Campaigner-in-Chief is back in his element, he's come home....