Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Egypt: Tahrir Square mobs celebrate anniversary of revolution with a spree of sexual assaults

An Arab American woman and her two roommates were sexually assaulted by an unruly mob in Egypt’s Tahrir Square Wednesday as thousands of Egyptians took to the square to mark the one-year anniversary of the uprising that unseated President Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian news sources reported.

The Arab-American, who currently resides in Cairo, arrived at Tahrir square with two roommates - European natives.

The mob attacked the three women, pulled their pants off, groped their bodies and continued with their sexual assault.

The three were finally pulled away and taken to safety.

The Arab-American arrived back at her apartment without her pants.

In a separate incident, another woman, who’s identity and nationality is still unknown, was rushed away in an ambulance after being sexually assaulted during the Tahrir Square celebrations.

There were additional reports of women being grabbed and groped during the Tahrir Square celebrations on Wednesday.

The Arab-American assault victim said that she was told not to talk about the incident for fear it would tarnish the image of the revolution, but she insisted that people need to know what is happening.

During last year's Tahrir Square celebrations, CBS foreign affairs correspondent, Lara Logan, was sexually assaulted by a brutal, blood-thirsty mob.

Logan told the New York Daily News Sunday that she is currently suffering from 'post-traumatic stress disorder'.

The mob tried to rip off chunks of Logan's scalp, the Daily News reported.

“I was in no doubt in my mind that I was in the process of dying,” she said.

CBS News chairman, Jeff Fager, says he feared for Logan’s life.

“She, really, in many ways should not have survived that attack,” he said.

In February of 2011, President Obama praised the Egyptian uprising.

"The people of Egypt have spoken," he said. "Their voices have been heard. And Egypt will never be the same."

"Most people have discovered in the last few days… that they are worth something," Obama said, "and this cannot be taken away from them anymore, ever."

"This is the power of human dignity," he added, "and it can never be denied......"

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