Monday, March 5, 2012

Limbaugh apology emboldened the enemy, but talk show icon will bounce back even stronger, as he always does

If there's one significant lesson to be gleaned from President Obama's foreign policy decisions, it is the following: The more the U.S. capitulates and tries to make nice with the enemy, the more emboldened the enemy becomes.

Sandra Fluke, a birth control activist, went on the airwaves, last week, to protest remarks uttered by Mr. Limbaugh about a speech she gave before congress in which she demanded that Georgetown health care, her university's health insurance, provide coverage for contraception. Mr. Limbaugh was then eagerly and gleefully assailed by his opponents on the left, who pressured several of Mr. Limbaugh's advertisers to suspend their advertisements from his show.

Mr. Limbaugh has offered an apology to Ms. Fluke, but it seems his apology has only served to embolden his enemies, as they are now strengthening and reinforcing their campaign against his advertisers.

From the New York Times:
Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh’s public apology..., critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers.

The apology, they said, was a signal that the campaign was working. On Sunday, a seventh company... said that it was suspending all of its advertising on “The Rush Limbaugh Show” despite his apologetic statement a day earlier...

One... company that had been a longtime sponsor of Mr. Limbaugh’s, Carbonite, said it would reconsider its ad spending; after the apology was issued, it announced that it would suspend its ads anyway. ..

The complaints are coming from some of the same liberal activists who persuaded advertisers to boycott Glenn Beck’s television show on Fox News in 2009.... The show ended last year.
On Monday, Mr. Limbaugh explained the reasoning behind his apology.

"This is the mistake I made," he said. "In fighting them [the Left] on this issue last week, I became like them. Against my own instincts, against my own knowledge, against everything I know to be right and wrong I descended to their level when I used [certain] words to describe Sandra Fluke. That was my error. I became like them, and I feel very badly about that."

Mr. Limbaugh may indeed feel bad for the wording he had used on his show, but his enemies couldn't care less about his bad feelings. Like the Taliban, they are profoundly adept at sensing their adversaries' vulnerabilities; Mr. Limbaugh's apology has emboldened his enemies and has provided them with the necessary impetus to continue and prolong their left-wing insurgency.

But nevertheless, ultimately Mr. Limbaugh will bounce back even stronger than before - as he always does when faced with adversity - because, unlike Obama, he is not an appeaser who makes nice, and capitulates, to the enemy - and, unlike the President, he is holding the moral high ground and has both truth and common sense on his side.

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