Thursday, October 25, 2012

Obama befuddled by an ordinary voting machine, as he cast early vote at Chicago polling station

President Obama visited the polling station at the Martin Luther King Community Center in his hometown of Chicago on Thursday to cast an early vote for the 2012 Presidential election.

But the purportedly tech savvy President appeared to be befuddled by an ordinary, run-of-the-mill voting machine. Ultimately, an employee at the polling station came to the rescue, as he guided the President through the step-by-step process of using the typical, every-day, run-of-the-mill voting machine.

Last month, the President borrowed an iPhone from one his aides, but he couldn't figure out how to use the device.

"It's not clear he knows how to dial on an iPhone," a pool reporter noted as he observed the President grappling with the 21st century device.

The pool reporter then noted that Mr. Obama "had a little more trouble dialing."

Later on, when the President's call failed to go through, he faulted the owner of the phone for having an insufficient cell phone plan. Heh.....

A campaign staffer then called out to Obama, "I'll give you my phone, call my wife."

"I'll call her and tell her that you're messing around here in the office, giving the president ....," Mr. Obama said, his voice tailing off.