Friday, December 7, 2012

Taliban underwear bomber wounded Afgahn intelligence chief

The Taliban suicide bomber, who posed as a peace enjoy and detonated a bomb while meeting with Afghan government officials on Thursday, concealed his explosives by placing them in his underwear and wrapping them around his genitals, Afghan intelligence offiicals revealed on Friday.

Afghanistan's intelligence chief  was wounded in the attack but is reportedly recovering and in stable condition.

It is believed to be the first time in Afghanistan that a suicide bomber has carried the explosives in his underpants.

On Christmas Day 2009, a Nigerian Al-Qaeda agent, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, boarded a flight from Amsterdam to the US and tried to detonate plastic explosives concealed in his underpants.

But I find the following statement from Afghanistan's intelligence service even more ironic:

"The results of the NDS investigation regarding Thursday's terrorist attack shows that the designers of this suicide attack placed explosives around the genitals of the suicide bomber," the intelligence service said in a written statement.

This "is against all Islamic and cultural standards … and shows that the enemies of peace and stability in Afghanistan have no regard for Islamic teachings and standards".

The implication being that only a suicide attack involving a bomb wrapped around someone's genitals "is against all Islamic and cultural standards", and only this kind of suicide attack "shows that the enemies of peace and stability in Afghanistan have no regard for Islamic teachings and standards". But an ordinary suicide bombing, well, that's a different story altogether........

An ironic statement from Afghanistan's intelligence service - but then again, 'irony' is in the eyes of the beholder...........

Previous Post: Phony Taliban peace envoy detonates explosives and wounds Afghan intelligence chief