Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Angry Hillary Clinton says motive behind Benghazi attacks not important ANYMORE!

Testifying at a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday, a visibly angry Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, assailed Republican lawmakers who questioned the Obama administration's factual distortions and phony talking points during the ensuing weeks after the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

"What difference does it make at this point" to discuss the motive behind the attack? Clinton said in a tone of phony righteous indignation, eerily similar to the tone that President Obama has used to fend off questions about the Benghazi, Libygate scandal.

Sadly, and not surprisingly, while the administration felt, during the ensuing weeks after the attack, that it was of utmost importance to offer up a phony motive for the attack - now that the cover has been blown, and the deceit and facade have been exposed, the administration has reached the conclusion that it is no longer an imperative to discuss the assailants' true motive - Al Qaeda sponsored terror - nor is it necessary to probe the White House cover-up.

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