Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Obama blames congress for racking up the deficit - press briefing - fiscal cliff

Speaking at a White House press briefing on Tuesday - shortly after the House voted to approve a Senate-backed deal aimed at averting the so-called 'fiscal cliff' - President Obama blamed congress for the huge deficit, and "the bills that THEY'VE racked up."

Apparently, the President bears no responsibility for the debt that he has created; it's congress' fault.

Referencing last year's debt ceiling negotiations, the President stated firmly: "I will not have another debate [this year] with this Congress over whether or not THEY should pay the bills that THEY'VE already racked up through the laws that THEY passed."

Likewise, during a press conference in 2011, Obama stated: "These are bills that CONGRESS ran up... I think the American people have to understand this: This is not a situation where congress is going to say, 'Okay, we won't buy this car or we won't take this vacation.' They took the vacation, they bought the car. And now, they are saying 'maybe we don't have to pay."

Ultimately, the President bears no responsibility for the debt that he has created; "someone else made that happen!"

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