Friday, February 14, 2014

Carney: Obamacare payment system will take months to complete, hence WH uncertain how many have actually paid for Obamacare, or how many are truly enrolled

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, the Obama campaign mocked then-Republican Presidential candidate John McCain by depicting him as a computer illiterate, backward candidate. But sadly, it is President Obama's ineptitude at using an iPhone - during the 2012 PresIdential campaign - and the administration's inability to erect a functioning website for its health care insurance program that has left many wondering, "What planet, and which era, are these people living in!?"

And, the ineptitude keeps piling up.

White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters on Friday that the administration could not be certain just how many Obamacare enrollees have made their payments, because the Obamacare website's automated payment system has yet to be fully developed, and, will not be completed until several months down the road, CBS News reported.

“There's an automated payment system that will coming online fully in the next several months, which will include in the flow of information... timely data relating to the payment of premiums by enrollees,” Carney said, adding that, “Once that automated payment processing system is online, in a few months, that system will provide [the Obama administration] with the kind of data that we've been asked about."

Hence, the White House does not have specific information about who has met their payment, Carney said.

The New York Times reported on Thursday that roughly 20 percent of Obamacare applicants did not pay their premiums and thus failed to obtain coverage last month.

Moreover, the White House's inability to obtain the necessary payment information makes it impossible to know just how many Americans who signed up for Obamacare are truly enrolled in the program, CBS News noted, via the following quote taken from the New York Times' report.

“I think people are enrolling in multiple places,” Aetna CEO Mark T. Bertolini reportedly said. “They are shopping. And what happens is that they never really get back on to disenroll from plans they prior enrolled in.”

Why is the Obama administration so clueless about setting up a functioning website?

I don't know.

Perhaps Sen. McCain can give the President and his henchmen a few tips on how the internet works.......

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