Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sebelius is the real deal! Her mentor is beaming with pride!

In an interview on Tuesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was asked the following question:

"Vice President Joe Biden said that 5.6 million Americans enrolling in Obamcare by March 31 would be a good start. That's 1 million to 2 million short of the 7 million mark that the administration said. Do you agree with Vice President Biden that 5 or 6 is a much more realistic mark than 7?"

Sebelius replied: "7 million was not the administration. That was a CBO, Congressional Budget Office prediction when the bill was first signed. I'm not quite sure where they even got their numbers. Their numbers are all over the board."

President Obama's eyes, no doubt, were gleaming with immense pride when he heard Sebelius utter that cunning piece of sophistry - because, at that very moment, he realized that Sebelius was truly an Obama mentee, who, like her mentor, had completely mastered the art of prevarication.

Sebelius's response was classical Obama; it was right up Obama's alley!

I could just visualize the President, upon hearing Sebelius's remarks, hollering exuberantly at the top of his lungs: "Remarkable, Kathleen! Job well done!" And then the President orders his staffers to, "Give it up for Sebelius!" And, of course, they respond on cue with a thunderous round of applause!

Sebelius has proved her worth; she's the real deal - a genuine Obama mentee.

Of course, as others have dutifully noted, Sebelius, on a number of occasions, has stated that her target, and the administration's target, was to have 7 million Obamacare enrollees by the end of March.

On one occasion - which I believe has not been mentioned - Sebelius was discussing a 6 month enrollment campaign that would begin on October 1, 2013 and end on March 31, 2014. She was asked the following question by the Washington Post in July of 2013:

"How are you going to measure success on March 31?"

Sebelius replied: "Our target for this first open enrollment period is to have 7 million newly enrolled individuals throughout the country."

Others have noted that Sebelius told NBC News in September of 2013: “I think success looks like at least 7 million people having signed up by the end of March 2014.”

And yet, Sebelius stated on Tuesday, much to the delight of the Prevaricator-in-Chief - that "7 million was not the administration."

She then went on to say - in typical Obama fashion: "That was a CBO, Congressional Budget Office prediction. I'm not quite sure where they even got their numbers. Their numbers are all over the board."

So, all of a sudden, the 7 million number is ridiculous - an absurdly "over the board" number.

"I'm not quite sure where they even got their numbers," Sebelius said. "Their numbers are all over the board."

And yet, Sebelius stated: "Our target for this first open enrollment period is to have 7 million newly enrolled individuals throughout the country." “I think success looks like at least 7 million people having signed up by the end of March 2014.”

"All over the board," indeed.

She's the real deal - and her mentor is beaming with pride.

Give it up for Kathleen!

In late October, 2013, the AP pointed out another prevarication that Sebelius had made:
Misstating the health care law she is responsible for administering, Kathleen Sebelius has asserted that the law required health insurance sign-ups to start Oct. 1, whether the system was ready or not. In fact, the decision when to launch the sign-up website was hers...

In a visit to a community health center in Austin, Texas, Sebelius acknowledged more testing would have been preferable. "In an ideal world there would have been a lot more testing, but we did not have the luxury of that and the law said the go-time was Oct. 1," she said.

But the law imposed no legal requirement to open the website Oct 1. The law says only that the enrollment period shall be "as determined by the secretary." The launch date was set not in the law, but in regulations her department had issued. Agencies routinely allow themselves flexibility on self-imposed deadlines...
Her mentor is beaming with pride.........