Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Putin is on the right side of history, Obama isn't fooling Everybody

Lambasting Vladimir Putin's recent incursion into Ukraine, President Obama made the claim that the Russian President is "on the wrong side of history." Mr. Obama based his claim on a deceptive and fictitious assertion that he has made time and time again, namely that "the Cold War is over."

During the 2012 Presidential campaign, the Deceiver-in-Chief mocked then-Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, for making a big fuss about Russia and for criticizing Obama's policies on Russia.

Romney is "stuck in a Cold War time warp," the Deceiver-in-Chief asserted while addressing the Democratic National Convention in September of 2012.

But the fact of the matter is, while the Cold War, in theory, may have ended - in practice, the Cold War continues till this very day, as evidenced by the positions Russia has taken time and time again - in the UN and outside of the UN - on virtually every issue that has arisen in the international arena - positions that deliberately run counter to the US positions.

Hence, Russia is merely embracing the policies and strategies that it has embraced until now, and Putin is simply aligning himself with his country's past and recent history; Putin is being consistent; he is clearly on the right side of history - both his country's past and recent history.

On the flip side, President Obama, with his illusionary and deceptive talking points about the Cold War and about terrorism, is on the wrong side of both past and recent history. For indeed, the Cold War is still in full force.

Some might call it naivety on Obama's part, I call it deliberate deception.

Which leads to me to a second point:

On Tuesday, President Obama said, with regards to the situation in Ukraine, that, "President Putin seems to have a different set of lawyers making a different set of interpretations, but I don’t think that’s fooling anybody."

Problem is, Putin doesn't need to fool anybody; he has been consistent, and his actions are consistent with Russia's past and recent history; Putin is on the right side of history.

Obama, on the other hand, is on the wrong side of past, and recent, history on just about every issue. And yet, he continues to fool a great many into believing his phony, illusionary talking points. However, unlike Putin, Obama desperately needs to throw the wool over people's eyes, otherwise he will no longer be the Pied Piper and his Presidential acting career will be over.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel reportedly told President Obama on Monday that she was not sure whether the Russian President was 'in touch with reality'. Putin is “in another world,” she said. But the fact of the matter is, Putin is clearly in touch with reality. Sadly, however, the Obama enthusiasts - who've been misled by the Pied Piper-in-Chief into believing that we are living in a new utopian era - have indeed lost touch with reality. Very sad, indeed.

And while Obama certainly deserves credit for his Pied Piper feats, it is nonetheless important to note what Abraham Lincoln once said, namely, that, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."

Obama may be a cool cat, but even a cool cat can not "fool all of the people all of the time."