Wednesday, March 12, 2014

You don't hear President Obama talking about Libya anymore

You don't hear President Obama talking about Libya anymore.

Obama no longer gloats about the important role he played in the Libyan uprising. That's because the terrorist attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi and the ongoing violence and perpetual chaos in the country is really nothing to gloat about. Hence, Obama has chosen to omit Libya from his talking points and to remove the five-letter obscenity from his lexicon.

But aside from the unremitting violence and chaos, the Libyan uprising also succeeded in creating a serious, ongoing problem of weapons trafficking from Libya, which, according to UN officials, "is fueling conflict and insecurity - including terrorism - on several continents."

No, you don't hear Obama talking about Libya anymore.

Reuters reported on Monday:
U.N. experts say Libya has become a primary source of illicit weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles, which have been trafficked to at least 14 countries and are fueling conflicts on several continents...

The [UN] panel furthermore noted that investigations relating to transfers to 14 countries reflected a highly diversified range of trafficking dynamics; and that trafficking from Libya was fueling conflict and insecurity - including terrorism - on several continents.
No, you don't hear Obama talking about Libya anymore; it's no longer part of his resume.