Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Abandoned American Pastor, Saeed Abedini, severely beaten in Iranian hospital; Iranians trying to extract more concessions from the Appeaser-in-Chief?

From Fox News:
The American citizen being held in Iran for alleged crimes related to his faith and work as a Christian pastor was yanked from a hospital bed, beaten and taken back to one of the Islamic Republic's infamous prisons, his family charges.

Pastor Saeed Abedini had spent the past two months in a hospital for injuries allegedly suffered at the hands of guards and inmates in Iran’s Evin and Rajai Shahr prisons when he was once again beaten and hauled back to prison, according to family members who say they witnessed the beating.

"This news is devastating to our family...” his wife, Naghmeh Abedini, told "Saeed's family, who was present at the hospital when this occurred, witnessed the severe beatings that Saeed received - at one point seeing him collapse before being taken away. We're very concerned about his health."

In March, when Abedini was transferred to a private hospital in Iran, where he was told he would receive further tests for his worsening medical condition as well as surgery for the chronic stomach pain suffered as a result of repeated beatings. But soon after being admitted, he was shackled and beaten by guards, according to family members. He was also denied medical treatment and was not allowed to see family members initially, they said.

It was not immediately clear why Abedini was suddenly transferred back to Rajai Shahr.
However, the American Center for Law and Justice, which has been representing Abedini’s family, said in a statement on Tuesday that, according to Saeed's family members, "one of the guards who was involved in the transfer mentioned the Iranian nuclear talks as a possible motive."

It should be noted that the Iranians do not need a motive to beat up and torture prisoners, especially American prisoners who are typically arrested, sent to jail without justification and beaten to a pulp. Indeed, torture is part and parcel of the Iranian jail experience. Hence, Saeed Abedini, who has been abandoned by the Obama administration - like many other Americans who are currently being held captive on foreign soil -  has been beaten brutally -  in typical fashion - over the course of his detention.

Nevertheless, if the Iranian nuclear talks are indeed the motive for the latest beatings, it would mean that not only has President Obama failed to win Abedini's release - not only has he failed to make Abedini's release a precondition to nuclear negotiations - but also that the Iranians are using Saeed Abedini as a pawn, and beating him anew, to squeeze even more concessions on their nuclear program from the weak Appeaser-in-Chief, President Obama.

Appeasement breeds more appeasement; it also breeds more torture and cruelty from the very people whose pacification is being sought.

How sad.

Related Video below - from February: "Obama offers phony, perfunctory, token prayer for Abandoned American Pastor Saeed Abedini at National Prayer Breakfast":