Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hillary Clinton "absolutely" satisfied with Benghazi cover-up, but what difference does it make? - Video Remix

During an interview with ABC News on Wednesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked whether she was content with the Benghazi cover-up and whether she was satisfied with the answers that have come out of the Obama administration regarding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

Clinton responded: "Absolutely!"

Of course, Hillary has every reason to be satisfied. The former Secretary of State has emerged from the scandalous cover-up whole, and in one piece. On top of that, she is widely regarded as the presumptive 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee. What's more, during the White House Correspondents dinner on Saturday, President Obama gave Hillary the nod over Joe Biden when he said: "Let's face it, Fox [News], you will miss me when I'm gone; it will be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya."

Hence, Hillary has every reason to be satisfied.

That being said, Hillary should have given a more complete and adequate response to the ABC News' reporter's question.

When asked whether she was satisfied with the Obama administration's phony narrative on Benghazi, Clinton should have responded in typical fashion and said: "Absolutely! But what difference does it make anyway?!"


Video remix below.

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