Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Twin bombings kill at least 118 people in Nigeria; #BringBackOurTwitterCampaign, Michelle Obama!

If there are two lessons that the First Lady and the President have taught us over the last five and half years, it is the following:

1) It is extremely crucial to use social media outlets like twitter to counter the abduction and murder of innocent men, women and children by "misguided" and "unfortunate" terrorists.

2) We must never shame the terrorists by referring to terrorism as "terrorism", or by referring to the battle against terror as a "War On Terror".

The battle against the terrorists should be referred to in the more milder and benign lexicon formulated by the President and his administration, namely "Overseas Contingency Operations."

However, merely tweeting out a few times one particular slogan like #BringBackOurGirls will not get the job done, as evidenced by the ongoing destruction and continuous violence in Nigeria. We must strengthen our twitter and social media campaign, or the violence will continue to escalate:

From the AFP:
Twin car bombings killed 46 people on Tuesday at a crowded market in the central Nigerian city of Jos..., while 45 people were seriously injured... The second bomb came from a minibus some 20 minutes later...
Update: The AFP later reported that, according to the co-ordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency, at least 118 people were killed and 56 were injured.

"More bodies may be in the debris," he told AFP, adding: "The exact figure of the dead bodies recovered as of now is 118... 56 people were injured."

CNN quoted the NEMA co-ordinator as saying: "The death toll stands at 118. This is the number of victims recovered from the scene of the explosions, but we are still searching through the smoldering debris for more bodies. Reuters quoted the NEMA co-ordinator as saying "We've now recovered 118 bodies from the rubble. This could rise by morning, as there is still some rubble we haven't yet shifted."

However, the AFP noted that, "the police in Plateau state, of which Jos is the capital, disputed the NEMA figure, and maintained that 46 were killed and 45 injured.

"We are saying 46," said state police commissioner Chris Olakpe. "That's the number we have in the morgues. But we are not ruling out more bodies."

However, the figure [of 118 deaths] cited by the National Emergency Management Agency is likely more accurate due to the fact that the agency is in charge of digging through the rubble and recovering the bodies.

Back to the initial AFP report:
"Scores died. Mostly women," Pam Ayuba, spokesman for Plateau state's Governor Jonah Jang, said earlier.

Boko Haram Islamists are widely believed to have active cells in Jos and have attacked the city before... The group claimed a July 2012 attack at a funeral outside the city that targeted mourners and the security services...

"What we are doing now is (trying) to evacuate the dead bodies... many of them are burnt beyond recognition," said Mohammed Abdulsalam, coordinator for the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).

"The fire is still raging. Many shops are consumed by the inferno," he said.

Rescue workers and the security services were struggling to control the crowd amid the chaos.

The bombings follow two separate attacks on the same bus station in a suburb of the capital, Abuja, on April 14 and May 1, that killed more than 90 people. The first was claimed by Boko Haram.

Four people were also killed on Sunday in a suicide car bomb attack in... the northern city of Kano that had been previously targeted by the group.
Michelle Obama, international celebrities and everyone else must respond firmly to the unspeakable violence with additional tweets, or it will be too late! Moreover, the public should send out tweets to the First Lady and demand that she "Bring Back The Twitter Campaign!", and that she continue to respond to the escalating violence with her extremely valuable and highly cherished tweets. Use the following hashtag - #BringBackOurTwitterCampaignMichelle!

We can win this thing - however, victory is ultimately dependent on Michelle Obama's Twitter Contingency Operation and our own twitter endeavors! So, let's huddle up to our keypads and tweet!
