Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A-Rod for President in 2112?

Barack Obama recently admitted that he 'screwed up' when he tried to install tax cheat,Tom Daschle as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

A truly admirable confession, indeed.

However, some pundits are now claiming that New York Yankee baseball star, Alex Rodriguez - who recently admitted that he used steroids earlier in his career - outdid the president on Tuesday.

During a news conference at the Yankees spring training facilities, A-Rod spoke about his use of steroids and confessed: "I screwed up BIG TIME!"

It takes a great man like President Obama to admit that he "screwed up", but it takes an even greater man like A-Rod to admit that he "screwed up BIG TIME!".

Hence, there's no doubt in my mind that A-Rod will be elected US president one day. He certainly has proven that he has the moral integrity to lead this great nation of ours.

And I believe that even Brian Williams would agree with me on that.....

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