Monday, February 16, 2009

Valerie Lucznikowska - Part II

Barack Obama recently invited family members of victims killed on 9/11 to the White House to address their concerns about closing down Gitmo and delaying the trials for the 9/11 attacks. Family members had demanded the meeting.

But as I noted last week, one of the invitees, Miss Valerie Lucznikowska - whose nephew, Adam Arias, was killed in the terrorist attacks - happens to be an activist and vocal advocate in support of closing down Gitmo.

The New York Post reported last week that Mr. Arias' two brothers both sent letters to Obama protesting Miss Lucznikowska's invitation to the Oval Office "because she does not speak for or represent the Arias family. They complained that Lucznikowska is exploiting their brother's name to promote her own agenda."

A family member of Mr. Arias recently left a comment on this blog [comment No. 4], stating that the Arias family was greatly distressed over a recent New York Times piece which depicted "an apparently morally superior Valerie Lucznikoska..." in an article that "was badly researched and terribly biased."

The family member went on to excoriate the Obama administration for it's handling of the White House meeting and for the selection process it used to choose whom would represent the 9/11 families at the meeting:
"How does an estranged aunt gain access to Mr. Obama, (and the media attention that goes with it,) while Adam Arias' immediate family struggles to be heard despite ham-handed efforts of the administration to gag us?...

"...I shared a bedroom with Adam and grew up in the same household -- but in the Obama administration the crazy aunt is now next of kin. Adam's widow, mother, father and five sisters and brothers would love to talk with Mr. Obama. Ms. Lucznikowska is not an Arias family member and as such should not have been considered for a meeting of 9-11 family members. However, I am sure the corrupted process that deigned her a family member and gave her access to the President is of little interest to the White House or the New York Times."
The family member had plenty more to say about the debacle. You can read the full comment here.

However, it should also be noted that Miss. Lucznikowska's advocacy on behalf of the Gitmo detainees is only part of the story!

Bear in mind that when assessing a far left-wing advocate like Miss. Lucznikowska - who spends a great deal of her time defending the rights of terrorists - it's safe to assume that there's probably a deeper perversion lurking behind this cloak of so called "Liberal progressiveness".

And indeed, there is!

Miss. Lucznikowska not only supports Gitmo detainees, she's also a 9/11 truther!

In September of 2005, the World Socialist Website posted an article accusing the US government of having foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks "which may have allowed the attacks to take place."

Miss Lucznikowska is quoted in an interview as saying:

“My nephew was told that people in the South Tower didn’t have to evacuate because the collapse of the North Tower was an accident. I believe that NORAD [North American Aerospace Defense Command] knew that the South Tower was going to be attacked before it went down. Think of what this means... There were lots and lots of clues about the fact that the government had prior knowledge.

"It is not only September 11—the war in Iraq and now the catastrophe in New Orleans show time and again that the Bush administration is only concerned with empire, oil and corporate profits...

"I’m just beginning to read all the exposés of 9/11...
I would still like to know how the government knew so quickly after the attacks who the hijackers were... The 9/11 commission definitely did not get to the full truth.”

Read Miss Lucznikowska's complete tirade here.

The New York Times article, which we quoted earlier, concludes with the following statement issued by Barack Obama during the Presidential campaign:

"It’s not about the terrorists," Obama asserted. "It’s about us. It’s about what kind of country we are.”

However, shortly after 9/11, Barack Obama issued the following statement which was seemingly all 'about the terrorists - and their so called "helplessness and despair"!:
"Such a failure of empathy [on the part of the terrorists on 9/11]... is not... unique to a particular culture, religion, or ethnicity. Most often..., it grows out of a climate of poverty and ignorance, helplessness and despair.... We will have to devote far more attention to the monumental task of raising the hopes and prospects of embittered children across the globe."
Thus, in Obama's view, it really isn't about us, but rather it's about raising the hopes of terrorists and casting the 9/11 families into an abyss of agony, helplessness and despair!

Ultimately, Barack Obama is snatching away our own hope and passing it on to the terrorists!

And in doing so, he's creating "Hope" and "Change" - in one fell swoop!


  1. Great post! I wonder why this is not more of a SCANDAL?!

    Just wanted to let you know, your blog post is reference here:

  2. Thank you for posting this important information. I have told local media about the cynical and deceptive way the Arias family has been treated by the Obama administration and its left-wing surrogates. But neither the Times or major media seem intersted. Thank God for the NY Post and Rush. Lucznikowsa still enjoys a dialogue with the White House and the Arias family is essentially shut out. It's Orwell's 1984.

  3. Valerie is nothing more than a hypocrite and opportunist. I knew her well in the 1980s and her 2 most important things in life were her bloated and distorted sense of superiority and her full length black mink coat. She used to be an attractive woman but her inner self emerged. If she is not yelling or screaming about something, you may find her sipping a nice Chablis in her country home.
