Monday, March 9, 2009

Obama Should Repudiate Dems for saying they wanted Bush to Fail

Over the last several weeks, the president and his minions have mercessly attacked conservative radio host, Rush Limbaugh, for stating that he wanted the president's socialist agenda to fail.

Obama recently told a group of Republican senators to "stop listening to" Mr.Limbaugh. And Obama's lackeys continue to demand that Republican leaders distance themselves from Limbaugh and repudiate his statements. Brad Woodhouse - the head of "Americans United for Change" and a close confidante of Obama, - recently aired a number of TV ads all across the country, smearing Mr. Limbaugh and demanding that Congressional Republicans accept the president's economic proposals.

But where was the outrage from Democratic leaders when their own constituents wished failure upon President Bush?

In a 2006 Fox News poll, 51% of Democrats said they did not want see President Bush succeed. And in January of 2007, when asked, "Do you personally want the Iraq plan [the troop surge] that President Bush announced last week to succeed?" 34% of Democrats said no and 15% said they weren't sure.

Where was the outrage from Barack Obama and Democratic leaders when their own supporters expressed their desire to see president Bush and the troops fail?

It is time for the president to prove to the American people once and for all that he is not a hypocrite. If the president is truly sincere about his convictions, he should address the American people in a live televised speech and repudiate all those who said they wanted President Bush and the troops to fail.

Admittedly, this will not be an easy thing to do, but it's certainly the right thing to do. Hopefully, the president will heed my advice, I'd really hate to see him fail......

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