Friday, March 6, 2009

Roxana Saberi to be Released Within Days

Iran announced on Friday that Roxana Saberi, an American freelance journalist who was detained by Iranian authorities in January, will soon be released.

This is great news and I wish Roxana and her family all the best. But Miss Saberi should have been released weeks ago. The Iranians finally decided to release her after the the Obama administration announced on Thursday that it was inviting Iran to an international conference on Afghanistan.

As I noted in my previous post, Iran is intimately connected to Al Qaeda, and offering them a role to play in the future of Afghanistan will ultimately reverse whatever gains we have made in the region.

Unfortunately, the Iranians have learned a valuable lesson about the "Obama Doctrine" - otherwise known as the "Policy of Appeasement" - namely, that Obama can be bought off if you force his hand.

P.S. Don't forget to read my previous post about Iran's ties to Al Qaeda.

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