According to a new USA Today/Gallup poll released on Thursday, Americans are now more likely to say that their healthcare costs will increase if a healthcare bill passes...
49% of respondents said they believe their healthcare costs will increase with the passage of a health care reform bill, up from 42% who felt that way last month. 27% said their healthcare costs would remain the same, compared to 32% who felt that way in September. The number of people who felt their healthcare costs would diminish as a result of a new health care bill remained at the 22% it was last month.
"In addition to costs," the Gallup poll showed that "a greater percentage of Americans - now compared with last month - also expect their healthcare situation to get worse in terms of the quality of care they receive (from 33% in September to 39%), their healthcare coverage (from 33% to 37%), and the insurance company requirements they have to meet to get certain treatments covered (up from 38% to 46%)."
"The poll finds no more than one-quarter of Americans believing their healthcare situation will improve in any of the [aforementioned] four areas. And in each, substantially more expect the situation to get worse than expect it to get better if a healthcare bill passes."
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