Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jay Leno Mocks Obama for Attacking Fox News

And, last week, the Carbolic Smoke website reported as follows:

President Obama deployed 40,000 troops to Fox News’ Rockefeller Center headquarters last night in a stunning surprise attack that quickly wrested control of the conservative cable television news channel from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation and placed it in the hands of the Obama White House.

It is believed to be the first war ever declared by a U.S. president on a cable news organization.

President Obama appeared on television shortly after midnight, with his Nobel Peace Prize slung around his neck, to solemnly announce the start of the war: “My fellow Americans, on my orders, at this moment, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to liberate the airwaves from Fox News....


White House Communications Director Anita Dunn revealed that the fighting would have been over “much sooner” execpt that the troops had to be careful to do no harm to NBC and MSNBC, which also have their headquarters at Rockefeller Center.

Read full article

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