Friday, October 23, 2009

White House "Keeping it classy by trashing Deeds anonymously"

As Rush Limbaugh noted on his radio program on Friday, White House officials have been releasing anonymous statements to the media blaming the faltering gubernatorial campaign of Virginia Democrat Creigh Deeds on his refusal to embrace Barack Obama - in an effort to distance the president from the Democratic candidate's failing campaign and absolve Obama and his declining popularity for effectuating Mr. Deeds' downfall.

Additionally, Rush pointed out that Obama is issuing these statements in the midst of the gubernatorial campaign and is showing total disregard for Mr. Deeds and his candidacy.

"Why?" you ask.

Because for Barack Obama, the bottom line is always about: Me, Myself and I.

From US News & World Report:
Just days before President Barack Obama is scheduled to campaign for Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Creigh Deeds, the White House is sending signals that Deeds' campaign is over, or as tweeted by CNN's Peter Hamby this morning, "keeping it classy by trashing Deeds anonymously."

At issue is a Washington Post
story headlined "Deeds ignored advice, White House says."

Publicly airing complaints that Deeds is a weak candidate, one who didn't embrace key Obama constituencies... and indeed, has not fully embraced Barack Obama himself, all lays the groundwork that if Deeds loses, despite the best efforts of the Obama team, he has no one to blame but himself....

The Post story codifies the Democratic conventional wisdom that the Virginia gubernatorial race is all but over. President Obama will still campaign for Deeds in Newport News. He'll say all the right things and publicly play the role of the good soldier, even while his political team plays the same old politics as usual which he promised to change.
From CNN's Political Ticker:
A well-known Democratic strategist in Virginia is blasting the White House for placing anonymous quotes in the Washington Post in a pre-emptive effort to blame Creigh Deeds for what might be a loss in the state's upcoming gubernatorial election.

David "Mudcat" Saunders, who gained political fame helping Democrat Mark Warner reach out to rural voters during Warner's successful 2001 gubernatorial bid, told CNN Friday that trying to blame Deeds is "bulls**t" when Democrats around the country are "just tired of politics."...

In a story published Friday, a senior administration official told the Post that the Deeds campaign ignored their advice to embrace the president, which the official claimed would have boosted the Democratic candidate's lackluster support among the African-Americans and young voters who supported Obama in 2008.

Saunders rejected that argument. Embracing Obama..., he argued..., with the contentious economic debates going on in Washington..., would have been a "devastating" political move for Deeds, who is trailing Republican Bob McDonnell in the polls.

"They're making the assumption Virginia is a blue state, and it's not," Saunders said of the administration. "It's not a red state either. The very best that can be said about Virginia is that it's light purple. For them to say if he had listened to us they would win, that's chickens**t..."

"It's a shame when our center of government, the White House, won't talk on the record. I discount all of it," Saunders said of the Post article. "It's a lack of courage. And it goes against transparency that Obama told us last year was going to come out of the White House. Anybody who makes anonymous quotes out of the White House should be fired."...

Republicans, not surprisingly, are enjoying the back-and-forth. Republican National Committee spokeswoman Katie Wright said the White House is trying to "save face" before Election Day.

"Looks like Creigh Deeds has made the White House enemies list," said Republican National Committee spokeswoman Katie Wright. "Deeds isn't the only one responsible for the downfall of his own campaign. While Deeds has promised higher taxes on Virginia families and small businesses, President Obama has had an equal hand in dragging his party down in the Commonwealth."
The hell with Creigh Deeds; the hell with the Democratic Party; the hell with America!

Long live Me, Myself and I. Praise be unto the Messiah!

VIDEO: "Rush Limbaugh - Washington Post - Obama slams candidate(s) before they lose":

The monologue on Obama and Creigh Deeds starts at about 2:29 into the video:

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