Rep. Bobby Rush showed his solidarity for the late Trayvon Martin on Wednesday when he removed his suit jacket, donned a pair of sunglasses and pulled a hoodie over his head during a speech on the House floor.
"Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum," he said.
Shortly after being removed from the House chamber for violating the House 'decor' rules, Mr. Rush, the former member and co-founder of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers, railed against guns and violence [during an interview].
The irony of all the above is: that when the Chicago Police conducted a raid on Mr. Rush's apartment, when he was still a Black Panther, they found shotgun and rifle ammunition, army training manuals on booby traps, explosives etc., and revolutionary reading material.
See the video below.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Limbaugh on the New Black Panther bounty, Obama & Holder, Trayvon Martin
Rush Limbaugh Wednesday discussed the bounty that the New Black Panther Party placed on the head of the night watchman who shot and killed Trayvon Martin.
According to eyewitnesses, the night watchman cried out for help while laying on the ground; Martin was on top of him [Link]. Martin reportedly slammed the night watchman's head on the ground - repeatedly - and broke his nose. The night watchman, likely, was scared for his life and acting in self defense, but the facts will have to be determined by a court of law, and certainly not by the Black Panthers, Barack Obama or the Liberal court of public opinion.
J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department official, who has accused the department of racial bias in its handling of a voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party, says that Eric Holder and the Obama administration, in this latest incident, have, once again, allowed the New Black Panther Party to act lawlessly.
Related Posts: Trayvon protesters ransack Walgreens store
Trayvon Martin - Obama jumps to conclusions; could use some 'soul searching' - [Fort Hood]
According to eyewitnesses, the night watchman cried out for help while laying on the ground; Martin was on top of him [Link]. Martin reportedly slammed the night watchman's head on the ground - repeatedly - and broke his nose. The night watchman, likely, was scared for his life and acting in self defense, but the facts will have to be determined by a court of law, and certainly not by the Black Panthers, Barack Obama or the Liberal court of public opinion.
J. Christian Adams, a former Justice Department official, who has accused the department of racial bias in its handling of a voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party, says that Eric Holder and the Obama administration, in this latest incident, have, once again, allowed the New Black Panther Party to act lawlessly.
Related Posts: Trayvon protesters ransack Walgreens store
Trayvon Martin - Obama jumps to conclusions; could use some 'soul searching' - [Fort Hood]
Limbaugh: Bounty hunters? And not a peep from the Obama administration or Justice Dept.?
From Rush Limbaugh:
Trayvon Martin - Obama jumps to conclusions; could use some 'soul searching' - [Fort Hood]
$1 million bounty..! The New Black Panther Party [says] that they've rounded up 5,000 black posse members to go out and find [the night watchman who shot Trayvon Martin] and to bring [him to] justice. [They put a $1 million bounty on his head.] And so far not a peep from the Obama administration...Related Posts: Trayvon protesters ransack Walgreens store
Folks, I have to tell you: I'm literally in a state of disbelief over this.
A bounty on a private citizen who has not been charged yet with anything, to bring him in for punishment? Who knows what would happen to him? A bounty! This is clearly causing unrest, stirring the pot. There's no attempt to cool this off from the highest levels of our government. Nowhere. From no one. The Justice Department, Attorney General Eric Holder, Obama, nobody has said anything about this. They haven't made one effort to calm things down here...
Again, the National Football League, there's a... Well, talking about bounties. Now, there's somebody that knows how to deal with bounties. The NFL shuts 'em down. Maybe the NFL should be in charge of shutting down the New Black Panther Party bounty, now that I think about it...
The New Black Panthers, after getting away with vote fraud in Philadelphia, voter intimidation at the polling place, can now issue a bounty and put together a posse of 5,000 people, and we twiddle our thumbs and go, "Ho-hum, no big deal"?
Out of whack, huge, big time...
Trayvon Martin - Obama jumps to conclusions; could use some 'soul searching' - [Fort Hood]
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Trayvon protesters ransack Walgreens store
From the AP:
Police say scores of South Florida students who walked out of school to protest the Trayvon Martin shooting investigation instead ransacked a Walgreens.Police say the students ransacked shelving displays and broke roughly $150 worth of merchandise. The students also stole some candy and soda. Police are trying to identify students who broke or took merchandise.
According to North Miami Beach police, approximately 80 to 100 students rushed through the store's front doors Friday.
Trayvon Martin - Obama jumps to conclusions; could use some 'soul searching' - [Fort Hood]
Shortly after the Fort Hood massacre, President Obama gave a press conference and cautioned the public not to jump to conclusions when judging the shooter's motive. Hmmm. However, on March 23, 2012, the President jumped to conclusions when discussing the tragic death of Trayvon Martin; Mr. Obama suggested that the shooting was deliberate and racially motivated.
"I think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen," said Obama, adding that, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."
But according to two eyewitnesses, the shooter was clearly acting in self defense. See the video below.
Sadly, and typically, Obama has once again jumped to conclusions, instead of waiting for the facts to be determined. Typical, indeed....
"I think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen," said Obama, adding that, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."
But according to two eyewitnesses, the shooter was clearly acting in self defense. See the video below.
Sadly, and typically, Obama has once again jumped to conclusions, instead of waiting for the facts to be determined. Typical, indeed....
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Obama Bluff - Speech, Copper Mountain Solar 1 energy plant, Boulder City, Nevada - $4 BILLION Oil subsidies?
President Obama touted his success in energy production and job-creation Wednesday at the Copper Mountain Solar 1 energy plant, a facility in Boulder City, Nevada that employs 5 full-time employees - according to the Nevada Journal.
Excerpts of the President's speech with additional footage and commentary can be seen in the video below. The video also debunks the President's factual distortions about a supposed $4 billion in tax subsidies for the big oil companies. For a more thorough refutation of the President's allegation, including additional information on Obama's disastrous policies with regards to domestic oil production, see the Scientific American.
The Nevada Journal reported that funding for the Copper Mountain solar facility [which is owned by San Diego-based energy company Sempra] included $42 million in federal-government tax credits and $12 million in tax-rebate commitments from the state of Nevada, which amounts to $10.8 million in tax-dollar subsidies per employee, a significant return on investment, indeed!
The Nevada Journal also notes that despite the President's assertion that green-energy investment will lower America’s energy costs and reduce the country’s dependency on foreign oil, renewables, in Boulder City, have produced no lower energy costs.
Excerpts of the President's speech with additional footage and commentary can be seen in the video below. The video also debunks the President's factual distortions about a supposed $4 billion in tax subsidies for the big oil companies. For a more thorough refutation of the President's allegation, including additional information on Obama's disastrous policies with regards to domestic oil production, see the Scientific American.
The Nevada Journal reported that funding for the Copper Mountain solar facility [which is owned by San Diego-based energy company Sempra] included $42 million in federal-government tax credits and $12 million in tax-rebate commitments from the state of Nevada, which amounts to $10.8 million in tax-dollar subsidies per employee, a significant return on investment, indeed!
The Nevada Journal also notes that despite the President's assertion that green-energy investment will lower America’s energy costs and reduce the country’s dependency on foreign oil, renewables, in Boulder City, have produced no lower energy costs.
Instead, in late 2009, the city approved a 35 percent rate hike, while power generated by Copper Mountain is to go to Southern California — rather than serve Nevadans whose taxes helped finance the plant.
Nevada received over $1 billion in federal “stimulus” funds for energy and environmental projects, yet state ratepayers still pay some of the highest electricity rates in the country. Recently, the Nevada Public Utilities Commission approved yet another rate increase.
Solar plants aren’t the only government-funded energy projects in Nevada that haven't lived up to their proponents’ promises. The Reno Gazette-Journal recently reported that seven local windmills that cost taxpayers $1 million to install have only saved the City of Reno $2,785 in electricity costs over their 18 months of existence.
Nationally, solar energy is unlikely to help the president achieve his goal of lower energy costs. Geoffrey Lawrence, deputy policy director at the Nevada Policy Research Institute, the free-market think tank that publishes Nevada Journal, noted in his Solutions 2013 report that, even according to the U.S. Department of Energy, solar-PV energy will cost three and a half times more than energy from traditional sources such as coal.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Gowdy grills Steven Chu over his 2008 remarks: 'boosting gas prices to European levels'
During a House Oversight Committee hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Trey Gowdy grilled Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, over a statement he had made in 2008 in support of high gas prices.
Mr. Chu said in 2008 that, "Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe." The price of gasoline in Europe at the time was approximately $8 a gallon.
The Energy Secretary told Mr. Gowdy that he would prefer to focus on the present rather than dwell on his past statements.
In an interview, in 2009, President Obama was asked whether high gas prices may be what the country needs in order to serve as an incentive "so that we do shift to alternative means of energy... Could these high prices help us?"
The President responded that he "would have preferred a gradual adjustment" to high gasoline prices", rather than an abrupt increase in price.
Mr. Chu said in 2008 that, "Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe." The price of gasoline in Europe at the time was approximately $8 a gallon.
The Energy Secretary told Mr. Gowdy that he would prefer to focus on the present rather than dwell on his past statements.
In an interview, in 2009, President Obama was asked whether high gas prices may be what the country needs in order to serve as an incentive "so that we do shift to alternative means of energy... Could these high prices help us?"
The President responded that he "would have preferred a gradual adjustment" to high gasoline prices", rather than an abrupt increase in price.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
'Occupy' admirer: Police threat tweet, a misunderstanding
The Oviedo, Florida Police Dept. said Tuesday that Rusty Braxton, a 23 year old man who posted a threatening twitter message about police officers Saturday, while watching a live video stream of a confrontation between Occupy Wall Steet protesters and New York police, will not be charged with a crime.
Braxton wrote on his twitter account on Saturday, "We wont make a difference if we dont kill a cop or 2."
But the Florida resident - who says that while he supports the Occupy movement, he has never been to New York - later told the media that he was not a "cop hater" and that he only wrote the message "to fit in".
The 'Occupy' admirer also claimed that his tweet was unrelated to the Occupy Wall Street protests, but rather was a response to a commenter from a foreign country about a revolution taking place there, although he couldn't recall which country it was, and, in earlier statements to the media, he never made this claim.
Another twitter user posted a screen capture of Braxton's facebook page which showed a photograph of a handgun, a shotgun, and shotgun ammunition. But Braxton responded in a tweet, “That’s me. I’m not worried lol I didn’t do anything wrong and am lisenced... for weapons.”
Phone threats made to two NY police officers and their families on Saturday - the day that Braxton posted his tweet and also the day that OWS thugs clashed with NYC police - are being investigated.
In a related development:
Braxton wrote on his twitter account on Saturday, "We wont make a difference if we dont kill a cop or 2."
But the Florida resident - who says that while he supports the Occupy movement, he has never been to New York - later told the media that he was not a "cop hater" and that he only wrote the message "to fit in".
The 'Occupy' admirer also claimed that his tweet was unrelated to the Occupy Wall Street protests, but rather was a response to a commenter from a foreign country about a revolution taking place there, although he couldn't recall which country it was, and, in earlier statements to the media, he never made this claim.
Another twitter user posted a screen capture of Braxton's facebook page which showed a photograph of a handgun, a shotgun, and shotgun ammunition. But Braxton responded in a tweet, “That’s me. I’m not worried lol I didn’t do anything wrong and am lisenced... for weapons.”
Phone threats made to two NY police officers and their families on Saturday - the day that Braxton posted his tweet and also the day that OWS thugs clashed with NYC police - are being investigated.
In a related development:
On Thursday, activists with Occupy Midwest clashed with local authorities at Compton Hill Reservoir Park in St. Louis, MO. Over a dozen protesters were arrested in that confrontation with police...
Apparently, some of the protesters decided to deface some of the historic structures in that park with threatening messages.
"ONLY THE BLOOD OF THE RICH WILL STOP OCCUPY" was painted on a door marked "Park Police."
Other graffiti that included phrases like "CLASS WAR," and "COPS, PIGS, MURDERERS," was spray painted on buildings and statues in the park...
Afghan soldiers have killed at least 13 NATO soldiers in 2012, but, of course, no outrage....
Thirteen NATO service members have been killed in Afghanistan by members of the Afghan security forces since the beginning of 2012, the commander of U.S. and NATO forces, General John Allen told the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee on Tuesday. But don't expect any outrage from President Obama or his Afghan counterpart, Hamid Karzai - for indeed such profound expressions of ire have been reserved exclusively for Afghans who are killed.
As noted previously, over the last several weeks, seven U.S. soldiers have been killed by Afghan soldiers, but, as the AP noted, the Pentagon's casualty announcements on the aforementioned soldiers did not mention that they were killed by Afghan soldiers, presumably because these facts do not comport well with the Obama administration's praise, and its assessment, of the Afghan security forces, who are slated to fill the vacuum in 2014, when all U.S. forces have exited the country in accordance with Obama's 2014 withdrawal deadline.
As noted previously, over the last several weeks, seven U.S. soldiers have been killed by Afghan soldiers, but, as the AP noted, the Pentagon's casualty announcements on the aforementioned soldiers did not mention that they were killed by Afghan soldiers, presumably because these facts do not comport well with the Obama administration's praise, and its assessment, of the Afghan security forces, who are slated to fill the vacuum in 2014, when all U.S. forces have exited the country in accordance with Obama's 2014 withdrawal deadline.
Monday, March 19, 2012
7 U.S. soldiers killed by Afghan soldiers - No outrage from the White House? Just obfuscations?
The video below is a tribute to seven U.S. soldiers [heros] who were gunned down in recent weeks by a cadre of cold-blooded, ruthless Afghan soldiers. The deceased U.S soldiers are Jordan Bear, Joshua Born, T.J Conrad, Edward Dycus, Payton Jones, John D. Loftis and Robert Marchanti. The video also covers some of the pertinent and eye-opening information discussed below, and offers us a little bit of insight into the politically calculated and apathetic mindset of our current administration.
Six U.S. soldiers were killed [gunned down in cold blood] by Afghan soldiers [and other Afghan officials] in the wake of the accidental burning of Korans that took place [recently]at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan. A seventh U.S. soldier [Edward Dycus] was killed by an Afghan soldier shortly prior to the Koran-burning incident.
And yet, while the investigation into the recent killing of Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier has been discussed at length by President Obama and his administration - including a discussion by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about a possible death sentence for the aforementioned U.S. soldier - we've heard very little from this administration about the investigations into the cold-blooded murder of our soldiers by Afghan soldiers; and, no mention of death sentences for the Afghan murderers. Moreover, we've heard a great deal of outrage from Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, about the Afghan casualties, but we haven't heard much outrage from our own administration about the killing of our soldiers. WHY?
The AP only recently learned - upon inquiry from the Pentagon - that Mr. Dycus, the soldier who was killed prior to the Koran-burning incident, was gunned down by our supposed Afghan allies.
The AP noted that "the Pentagon's casualty announcement", on at least 5 of the U.S. soldiers' deaths, including Edward Dycus, did not "mention that the Americans were killed by their supposed Afghan allies", a blatant omission that can only be attributed to political reasons: Obama's [politically riddled] 2014 withdrawal deadline [Exit Strategy] is premised on the notion that the U.S. military can successfully hand over the security and control of Afghanistan to the Afghan forces, many of whom are Taliban sympathizers, who possess utter contempt for the U.S. and the U.S military. [Link - "Taliban see Victory as inevitable, Afghan soldiers hooking up with the Taliban, as Obama facilitates exit strategy ahead of 2012 election"] Hence, Afghan culpability in the killings of U.S. soldiers has been omitted from the Pentagon's casualty announcement", and hence we only recently learned, upon inquiry [from the AP], that Edward Dycus was killed in cold blood by our "trustworthy" Afghan partners; it's simply politics at its worst......
Six U.S. soldiers were killed [gunned down in cold blood] by Afghan soldiers [and other Afghan officials] in the wake of the accidental burning of Korans that took place [recently]at a U.S. military base in Afghanistan. A seventh U.S. soldier [Edward Dycus] was killed by an Afghan soldier shortly prior to the Koran-burning incident.
And yet, while the investigation into the recent killing of Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier has been discussed at length by President Obama and his administration - including a discussion by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta about a possible death sentence for the aforementioned U.S. soldier - we've heard very little from this administration about the investigations into the cold-blooded murder of our soldiers by Afghan soldiers; and, no mention of death sentences for the Afghan murderers. Moreover, we've heard a great deal of outrage from Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, about the Afghan casualties, but we haven't heard much outrage from our own administration about the killing of our soldiers. WHY?
The AP only recently learned - upon inquiry from the Pentagon - that Mr. Dycus, the soldier who was killed prior to the Koran-burning incident, was gunned down by our supposed Afghan allies.
The AP noted that "the Pentagon's casualty announcement", on at least 5 of the U.S. soldiers' deaths, including Edward Dycus, did not "mention that the Americans were killed by their supposed Afghan allies", a blatant omission that can only be attributed to political reasons: Obama's [politically riddled] 2014 withdrawal deadline [Exit Strategy] is premised on the notion that the U.S. military can successfully hand over the security and control of Afghanistan to the Afghan forces, many of whom are Taliban sympathizers, who possess utter contempt for the U.S. and the U.S military. [Link - "Taliban see Victory as inevitable, Afghan soldiers hooking up with the Taliban, as Obama facilitates exit strategy ahead of 2012 election"] Hence, Afghan culpability in the killings of U.S. soldiers has been omitted from the Pentagon's casualty announcement", and hence we only recently learned, upon inquiry [from the AP], that Edward Dycus was killed in cold blood by our "trustworthy" Afghan partners; it's simply politics at its worst......
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
$1 abortion premium mandate in Obamacare
From LifeNews:
It’s official. The concern pro-life organizations had about the ObamaCare legislation funding abortions has been confirmed, as the Obama administration has issued the final rules on abortion funding governing the controversial health care law.
Nestled within the “individual mandate” in the Obamacare act — that portion of the Act requiring every American to purchase government — approved insurance or pay a penalty — is an “abortion premium mandate.” This mandate requires all persons enrolled in insurance plans that include elective abortion coverage to pay a separate premium from their own pockets to fund abortion. As a result, many pro-life Americans will have to decide between a plan that violates their consciences by funding abortion, or a plan that may not meet their health needs...
The change to longstanding law prohibiting virtually all direct taxpayer funding of abortions (the Hyde Amendment) is accomplished through an accounting arrangement described in the Affordable Care Act and reiterated in the final rule issued today.
“To comply with the accounting requirement, plans will collect a $1 abortion surcharge from each premium payer,” a knowledgeable pro-life source on Capitol Hill informed LifeNews. “The enrollee will make two payments, $1 per month for abortion and another payment for the rest of the services covered. As described in the rule, the surcharge can only be disclosed to the enrollee at the time of enrollment...
BDF president and general counsel Nikolas Nikas said the individual mandate... effectively mandates personal payments for surgical abortion coverage, without exemption for an individual’s religious or moral objections.
He told LifeNews in an email, “Like a Russian nesting doll, the individual mandate has nestled within it a hidden, but equally unconstitutional scheme that effectively imposes an ‘abortion premium mandate’ that violates the free exercise rights of millions of Americans who have religious objections to abortion.”
U.S. Soldiers are human beings too, Obama must demand full accountability from Karzai for soldiers' deaths
In the wake of the Koran burnings in Afghanistan last month, two U.S. soldiers were killed in a shooting attack by an Afghan soldier [and an Afghan literacy teacher]. Another two soldiers were gunned down by an Afghan intelligence officer. [Six U.S. soldiers were ultimately killed in the wake of the Koran burnings.] The attacks were horrifying, and no less tragic than the killing of 16 Afghan civilians at the hands of a U.S. soldier on Sunday. And while the victims of the latter attack included women and children, the families of the U.S. soldiers - who are also victims - includes women and children too, as well as parents, siblings and offspring. Bottom line, innocent lives were brutally snuffed out, and their families were left bereft.
Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, condemned the killing spree that left 16 Afghans dead, called it an "assassination", “intentional" murders, "unforgivable" and furiously demanded an explanation from Washington.
President Obama called Mr. Karzai and promised a full investigation and “to hold fully accountable anyone responsible.”
But what about the murdered soldiers? Why the double standard?
President Obama should make it clear to Mr. Karzai that, while the fatal shooting of Afghan civilians is tragic, the deaths of U.S. soldiers at the hands of Afghan officials is equally tragic.
'Outrage' is a two-way street. Investigations are also two-way streets.
U.S. Soldiers, like Afghan civilians, are human too, and we deserve a thorough investigation into their deaths; even if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are disinclined to treat the soldiers' deaths with the same gravity and solemness as the Afghan victims' deaths, they must overcome their left-wing tendencies and demand full accountability.
The family of Corporal Timothy Conrad, who was killed at the hands of the Afghan soldier during the Koran riots, released the following YouTube tribute in his memory. Perhaps President Obama can send this video to Mr. Karzai while apologizing to the Afghan President for Mr. Conrad's death.....
Presentation of the American flag to the widow and mother of Sgt. Joshua Born, who was also brutally gunned down during the Koran riots.
Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, condemned the killing spree that left 16 Afghans dead, called it an "assassination", “intentional" murders, "unforgivable" and furiously demanded an explanation from Washington.
President Obama called Mr. Karzai and promised a full investigation and “to hold fully accountable anyone responsible.”
But what about the murdered soldiers? Why the double standard?
President Obama should make it clear to Mr. Karzai that, while the fatal shooting of Afghan civilians is tragic, the deaths of U.S. soldiers at the hands of Afghan officials is equally tragic.
'Outrage' is a two-way street. Investigations are also two-way streets.
U.S. Soldiers, like Afghan civilians, are human too, and we deserve a thorough investigation into their deaths; even if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are disinclined to treat the soldiers' deaths with the same gravity and solemness as the Afghan victims' deaths, they must overcome their left-wing tendencies and demand full accountability.
The family of Corporal Timothy Conrad, who was killed at the hands of the Afghan soldier during the Koran riots, released the following YouTube tribute in his memory. Perhaps President Obama can send this video to Mr. Karzai while apologizing to the Afghan President for Mr. Conrad's death.....
Presentation of the American flag to the widow and mother of Sgt. Joshua Born, who was also brutally gunned down during the Koran riots.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Obama disapproval ratings rise: Washington Post, ABC poll
Although CBS News reported on Monday that President Obama's approval rating has hit the lowest level ever in CBS News polling [41%, vs 47% who disapprove of his job performance], the President's disapproval rating was even worse in a new Washington Post/ABC poll which revelaled that, while 46% of those surveyed approve of Obama’s job performance, 50% disapprove, a four percent increase since last month's survey. Among independents, 57% disapprove of his job performance.
65% of those surveyed disapprove of the President's handling of gas prices. And, 38% approve of his overall energy policy, while 48% disapprove.
59% disapprove of his handling of the broader economy, a seven percent spike from one month ago when 52% disapproved.
Just 32% of survey respondents approve of his handling of the deficit, 63% disapprove. Among independents, 70% disapprove, a new high.
Only 36% of survey respondents approve of the President's handling of the Iranian nuclear weapons threat, 52% disapprove.
65% of those surveyed disapprove of the President's handling of gas prices. And, 38% approve of his overall energy policy, while 48% disapprove.
59% disapprove of his handling of the broader economy, a seven percent spike from one month ago when 52% disapproved.
Just 32% of survey respondents approve of his handling of the deficit, 63% disapprove. Among independents, 70% disapprove, a new high.
Only 36% of survey respondents approve of the President's handling of the Iranian nuclear weapons threat, 52% disapprove.
Obama's approval rating hits the lowest level ever in CBS News polling
From CBS News:
President Obama's approval rating has hit the lowest level ever in CBS News polling, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times survey.Related Post: Obama disapproval ratings rise: Washington Post, ABC poll
Just 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, according to the poll, conducted from March 7 to 11. Another 47 percent disapprove of his performance, up from 41 percent last month...
Mr. Obama's job rating on the economy remains about the same as it was last month - 39 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove...
Just 20 percent of Americans feel their family's financial situation is better today than it was four years ago. Another 37 percent say it is worse, and 43 percent say it is about the same...
Mr. Obama's rating on foreign policy has dropped 10 points. Now, just 40 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, while 41 percent disapprove.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Gallup: U.S. Unemployment spiked in February to 9.1%
According to a Gallup report released on Thursday, the U.S. unemployment rate, measured without seasonal adjustment, rose to 9.1% in February from 8.6% in January and 8.5% in December.
The 0.5-percentage-point increase from January to February is the largest month-to-month differential "Gallup has recorded in its not-seasonally adjusted measure since December 2010, when the rate rose 0.8 points" from the previous month, Gallup reported.
Additionally, Gallup reported that Underemployment, a measure that combines the percentage of workers who are unemployed with the percentage working part time but wanting full-time work, increased to 19.1% in February from 18.7% in January.
The 0.5-percentage-point increase from January to February is the largest month-to-month differential "Gallup has recorded in its not-seasonally adjusted measure since December 2010, when the rate rose 0.8 points" from the previous month, Gallup reported.
Additionally, Gallup reported that Underemployment, a measure that combines the percentage of workers who are unemployed with the percentage working part time but wanting full-time work, increased to 19.1% in February from 18.7% in January.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Scalise grills Steven Chu on Obama's suppression of U.S. oil production, high gas prices - Hearing
During a House Energy and Power Subcommittee hearing on Thursday, Rep. Steve Scalise questioned Energy Secretary Steven Chu about President Obama's disingenuous claim that he has taken action to increase oil production in the United States and has implemented an "all-of-the-above" energy strategy. Mr. Scalise noted that the President is actually suppressing and decreasing domestic oil production.
Scalise said that, rather than free up the domestic oil market, the President has opted to import foreign petroleum and to bow before the Saudi Prince and beg him for more oil.
Mr. Scalise also noted that both Mr. Obama and Mr. Chu had made comments in the past in support of higher gas prices.
In 2008, Mr. Chu stated that "somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe."
In an interview, in 2009, President Obama was asked whether high gas prices may be what the country needs in order to serve as an incentive "so that we do shift to alternative means of energy... Could these high prices help us?"
The President responded that he "would have preferred a gradual adjustment" to high gasoline prices", rather than an abrupt increase in price.
"The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing," he said.
Scalise said that, rather than free up the domestic oil market, the President has opted to import foreign petroleum and to bow before the Saudi Prince and beg him for more oil.
Mr. Scalise also noted that both Mr. Obama and Mr. Chu had made comments in the past in support of higher gas prices.
In 2008, Mr. Chu stated that "somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to levels in Europe."
In an interview, in 2009, President Obama was asked whether high gas prices may be what the country needs in order to serve as an incentive "so that we do shift to alternative means of energy... Could these high prices help us?"
The President responded that he "would have preferred a gradual adjustment" to high gasoline prices", rather than an abrupt increase in price.
"The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing," he said.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Obama on Limbaugh [apology], Sandra Fluke, hostage takers, Press Conference
Related Posts: $9 Price for a Month's Supply of contraceptives at Target 3 Miles from Georgetown Law
Obama supplants himself in place of woman commencement speaker, in an effort to curry favor with women voters
Limbaugh apology emboldened the enemy, but talk show icon will bounce back even stronger, as he always does
Monday, March 5, 2012
Obama Campaign Reportedly Won't Give Campaign Cash to Congressional Democrats
From Fox News:
According to the aforementioned Fox News report, Mr. Biden is partially correct, for indeed when it comes to the campaign cash, Obama is clearly not spreading the wealth around......
The Obama campaign apparently doesn't want to provide big campaign cash to aid Democratic lawmakers running for re-election on Capitol Hill, a stark change from previous years...Obama unwilling to 'spread the wealth around'?!!
Majority Leader Harry Reid and have tried to get $30 million from Obama's campaign arm, Obama for America (OFA), and also the Democratic National Committee (DNC), but the Obama team declined the request. [Obama wants the money all for himself.] The news site reports that Campaign Manager Jim Messina and White House Senior Aide David Plouffe met with Reid and Pelosi on Capitol Hill last week.
President Obama's campaign war chest initially was estimated to be in the upwards of $1 billion! While aides have downplayed it would reach that milestone, even if it's tens of millions shy, Obama's still expected to have another record-breaking cycle.
The move is seen as the Obama campaign focusing on its main goal, keeping the president in office for a second term, but also possibly alienating some lawmakers or even jeopardizing his party's ability to gain or retain seats on the Hill.
In a statement to confirmed Fox, Obama's top campaign manager Jim Mesinna said, "Our top priority and focus is to secure the electoral votes necessary to reelect the president."
According to the aforementioned Fox News report, Mr. Biden is partially correct, for indeed when it comes to the campaign cash, Obama is clearly not spreading the wealth around......
$9 Price for a Month's Supply of contraceptives at Target 3 Miles from Georgetown Law
From CNS News:
Although Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke testified to the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee last month that contraception can cost a law student $3,000 over three years and that some of her fellow students could not afford it, a Target store only 3 miles from the law school currently sells a month's supply of birth control pills for only $9 to people who do not have insurance plans covering contraceptives.
That would make the total cost for birth control pills for a student who decided to use them for all three years of law school just $324...
Fluke was the sole witness who appeared on Feb. 23 before an all-Democratic panel chaired by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi...
“Without insurance coverage, contraception can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school...," Fluke said. "Forty percent of female students at Georgetown Law report struggling financially as a result of this policy."
“One student told us of how embarrassed and powerless she felt when she was standing at the pharmacy counter, learning for the first time that contraception wasn’t covered, and had to walk away because she couldn’t afford it," said Fluke. "Women like her have no choice but to go without contraception."...

Transgender Illegal Alien Detainees Will Get 'Hormone Therapy' Courtesy of ICE
From CNS News:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the division the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) responsible for enforcing the nation's immigration laws, will provide "hormone therapy" to illegal aliens it has detained who say they are transgender, according to the agency's operations manual for its detention facilities.Sandra Fluke is probably smiling right now....
The 2011 Operations Manual ICE Performance-Based National Detention Standards states that...:
“Transgender detainees who were already receiving hormone therapy when taken into ICE custody shall have continued access. All transgender detainees shall have access to mental health care, and other transgender-related health care and medication based on medical need. Treatment shall follow accepted guidelines regarding medically necessary transition-related care.”...
[With regards to abortion], the manual further states that:
"In a situation where a female detainee opts to fund the termination of her pregnancy [i.e. abortion], ICE shall arrange for transportation at no cost to the detainee for the medical appointment and, if requested by the detainee, for access to religious counseling, and non-directive (impartial) medical resources and social counseling, to include outside social services or women’s community resource groups.”
ICE’s estimated budget for fiscal year 2012 (which began Oct. 1, 2011) is $5.8 billion.
Limbaugh apology emboldened the enemy, but talk show icon will bounce back even stronger, as he always does
If there's one significant lesson to be gleaned from President Obama's foreign policy decisions, it is the following: The more the U.S. capitulates and tries to make nice with the enemy, the more emboldened the enemy becomes.
Sandra Fluke, a birth control activist, went on the airwaves, last week, to protest remarks uttered by Mr. Limbaugh about a speech she gave before congress in which she demanded that Georgetown health care, her university's health insurance, provide coverage for contraception. Mr. Limbaugh was then eagerly and gleefully assailed by his opponents on the left, who pressured several of Mr. Limbaugh's advertisers to suspend their advertisements from his show.
Mr. Limbaugh has offered an apology to Ms. Fluke, but it seems his apology has only served to embolden his enemies, as they are now strengthening and reinforcing their campaign against his advertisers.
From the New York Times:
"This is the mistake I made," he said. "In fighting them [the Left] on this issue last week, I became like them. Against my own instincts, against my own knowledge, against everything I know to be right and wrong I descended to their level when I used [certain] words to describe Sandra Fluke. That was my error. I became like them, and I feel very badly about that."
Mr. Limbaugh may indeed feel bad for the wording he had used on his show, but his enemies couldn't care less about his bad feelings. Like the Taliban, they are profoundly adept at sensing their adversaries' vulnerabilities; Mr. Limbaugh's apology has emboldened his enemies and has provided them with the necessary impetus to continue and prolong their left-wing insurgency.
But nevertheless, ultimately Mr. Limbaugh will bounce back even stronger than before - as he always does when faced with adversity - because, unlike Obama, he is not an appeaser who makes nice, and capitulates, to the enemy - and, unlike the President, he is holding the moral high ground and has both truth and common sense on his side.
Sandra Fluke, a birth control activist, went on the airwaves, last week, to protest remarks uttered by Mr. Limbaugh about a speech she gave before congress in which she demanded that Georgetown health care, her university's health insurance, provide coverage for contraception. Mr. Limbaugh was then eagerly and gleefully assailed by his opponents on the left, who pressured several of Mr. Limbaugh's advertisers to suspend their advertisements from his show.
Mr. Limbaugh has offered an apology to Ms. Fluke, but it seems his apology has only served to embolden his enemies, as they are now strengthening and reinforcing their campaign against his advertisers.
From the New York Times:
Emboldened by Rush Limbaugh’s public apology..., critics of the radio talk show host are intensifying their online campaign against his advertisers.On Monday, Mr. Limbaugh explained the reasoning behind his apology.
The apology, they said, was a signal that the campaign was working. On Sunday, a seventh company... said that it was suspending all of its advertising on “The Rush Limbaugh Show” despite his apologetic statement a day earlier...
One... company that had been a longtime sponsor of Mr. Limbaugh’s, Carbonite, said it would reconsider its ad spending; after the apology was issued, it announced that it would suspend its ads anyway. ..
The complaints are coming from some of the same liberal activists who persuaded advertisers to boycott Glenn Beck’s television show on Fox News in 2009.... The show ended last year.
"This is the mistake I made," he said. "In fighting them [the Left] on this issue last week, I became like them. Against my own instincts, against my own knowledge, against everything I know to be right and wrong I descended to their level when I used [certain] words to describe Sandra Fluke. That was my error. I became like them, and I feel very badly about that."
Mr. Limbaugh may indeed feel bad for the wording he had used on his show, but his enemies couldn't care less about his bad feelings. Like the Taliban, they are profoundly adept at sensing their adversaries' vulnerabilities; Mr. Limbaugh's apology has emboldened his enemies and has provided them with the necessary impetus to continue and prolong their left-wing insurgency.
But nevertheless, ultimately Mr. Limbaugh will bounce back even stronger than before - as he always does when faced with adversity - because, unlike Obama, he is not an appeaser who makes nice, and capitulates, to the enemy - and, unlike the President, he is holding the moral high ground and has both truth and common sense on his side.
Obama supplants himself in place of woman commencement speaker, in an effort to curry favor with women voters
Further seeking to boost what was once a low approval rating for the President among women voters, the White House recently contacted Barnard College, an all women’s college in New York City, and requested that Mr. Obama be the speaker at this year's commencement ceremony. The University replied in the affirmative.
The request came in the wake of Obama's recent phone call [i.e. publicity stunt] to Sandra Fluke, a birth control activist, who went on the airwaves, last week, to protest remarks uttered by Rush Limbaugh about a speech she gave before congress in which she demanded that Georgetown health care, her university's health insurance, provide coverage for contraception.
The President's approval ratings among women voters plummeted late last year. But, according to recent polling, his numbers among female voters is now on the rise as he continues to falsely portray the Conservative opposition to contraceptive insurance coverage in misogynistic terms.
Jill Abramson, the executive editor of The New York Times, had already been slated to deliver the commencement address at Barnard College. But the university was forced to give Ms. Abramson the boot in order to cater to Mr. Obama's whims and afford him the opportunity to further curry favor with women voters, who, no doubt, will be happy to learn that our macho President has snatched away the honorary address from a woman he apparently deems as voiceless, replaceable and totally dispensable.
The request came in the wake of Obama's recent phone call [i.e. publicity stunt] to Sandra Fluke, a birth control activist, who went on the airwaves, last week, to protest remarks uttered by Rush Limbaugh about a speech she gave before congress in which she demanded that Georgetown health care, her university's health insurance, provide coverage for contraception.
The President's approval ratings among women voters plummeted late last year. But, according to recent polling, his numbers among female voters is now on the rise as he continues to falsely portray the Conservative opposition to contraceptive insurance coverage in misogynistic terms.
Jill Abramson, the executive editor of The New York Times, had already been slated to deliver the commencement address at Barnard College. But the university was forced to give Ms. Abramson the boot in order to cater to Mr. Obama's whims and afford him the opportunity to further curry favor with women voters, who, no doubt, will be happy to learn that our macho President has snatched away the honorary address from a woman he apparently deems as voiceless, replaceable and totally dispensable.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Three Occupy Oakland protesters charged with robbery & violent, homophobic hate crimes
From Reuters:
Three Occupy Oakland protesters accused of surrounding and taunting a woman before stealing her wallet were charged on Friday with robbery and hate crimes, authorities said.If Tea Party protesters had robbed this woman and yelled vulgar epithets regarding "their perception of the victim's sexual orientation" - it would have been a prominent story on all the major TV networks. The victim might even have received a telephone call from President Obama, who, no doubt, would have highlighted the Tea Party protesters' violent, homophobic assault. But of course, these weren't Tea Party members; they were part of the Obama Occupy movement - hence this story ends up on the bottom of the pile, and is quickly swept under the rug....
Michael Davis, 32, Nneka Crawford, 23, and Randolph Wilkins, 24, confronted the woman on the streets of Oakland in February after she told them not to riot in her neighborhood, the Oakland Police said in a written release.
"She was surrounded by three protestors and battered as they yelled vulgar epithets regarding their perception of her sexual orientation," Oakland Police spokeswoman Johnna Watson said...
"Her wallet was taken during the crime," Watson said. "The victim broke away from the group and called police, who were able to arrest one suspect near the scene."
Watson said the other two suspects were arrested at a February 29 Occupy Oakland protest.
Each was charged by the Alameda County District Attorney's Office with felony counts of robbery and hate crimes, Watson said.
An Occupy Oakland organizer could not be reached for comment on Friday evening.
Jay Carney on why Obama has held ONLY 100 re-election fundraisers
Since announcing his re-election bid in April of last year, President Obama has spent a significant amount of time fund-raising, attending more than 100 fundraisers in this relatively small time span. By contrast, George W. Bush attended just 49 political fundraisers by this time in his presidential tenure.
Nevertheless, when asked on Friday about this phenomenon, White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, insisted that the President has actually spent a relatively small amount of his time on his Presidential campaign, and attributed this feat to the fact that Obama - unlike the current GOP Presidential candidates - is not engaged in a primary race.
So, there you have it: The President was able to limit himself to a MEASLEY 100+ fundraisers in less than a year because he is not engaged in a primary race. Hmmm.....
Nevertheless, when asked on Friday about this phenomenon, White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney, insisted that the President has actually spent a relatively small amount of his time on his Presidential campaign, and attributed this feat to the fact that Obama - unlike the current GOP Presidential candidates - is not engaged in a primary race.
So, there you have it: The President was able to limit himself to a MEASLEY 100+ fundraisers in less than a year because he is not engaged in a primary race. Hmmm.....
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Obama attends 100th re-election fundraiser
From The Blaze:
President Barack Obama is slated to attend his 100th re-election fundraiser today [and a $35000 per plate dinner], — a significant milestone, more than double that of his predecessor, George W. Bush, who had attended just 49 political fundraisers by this time in his presidential tenure...
As [CBS News’ White House correspondent Mark] Knoller points out, Obama‘s biggest campaign donor is likely the American taxpayer who picks up the bulk of the tab for the president’s travel when he uses Air Force One, a mode of transportation that costs a whopping $180,000 per hour to fly.
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