An Afghan policewoman walked into a high-security compound in Kabul Monday and killed an American contractor with a single bullet to the chest, the first such shooting by a woman in a spate of insider attacks by Afghans against their foreign allies...Incidentally, in September, U.S. and NATO officials acknowledged that, in the rush to implement President Obama's politically riddled timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Afghan troops were not properly vetted, which resulted in a large number of casualties among coalition members - most of them Americans - at the hands of their supposed Afghan allies.
The NATO command said that while the investigation continued, there might be "some temporary, prudent measures put into place to reduce the exposure of our people."
This prompted the senior commander of U.S. special forces in Afghanistan to announce - rather belatedly - the suspension of training for all new Afghan recruits until they could be re-vetted.
The Washington Post quoted a U.S. official at the time as saying that there was a lot of pressure to increase the size of the Afghan forces. Consequently, the vetting process was "was cast aside" because it was viewed as an impediment to achieving President Obama's artificial, and politically riddled, troop withdrawal timeline.
However, the suspension of training for Afghan recruits was short-lived, for ultimately the President's political timetable takes precedence over the lives and well-being of our armed forces. Hence, on September 27, the administration announced the resumption of training of Afghan forces.
Back to today's AP report:
Insider attacks by Afghan soldiers or police have accelerated this year as NATO forces, due to mostly withdraw from the country by 2014, have speeded up efforts to train and advise Afghan security before the pullout.The AP noted in March that "the Pentagon's casualty announcement", on a number of U.S. soldiers' deaths, did not "mention that the Americans were killed by their supposed Afghan allies", a blatant omission, which, I noted at the time, can only be attributed to politics.
The surge in such attacks is throwing doubt on the capability of the Afghan security forces to take over from international troops... It has also stoked suspicion among some NATO units of their Afghan counterparts...
As such attacks mounted this year, U.S. officials in Kabul and Washington [lied and] insisted they were "isolated incidents" and withheld details
The AP has also noted, previously, that the Pentagon did not publicly disclose insider attacks in which coalition troops were wounded, but not killed.
Back to today's AP report:
An AP investigation earlier this month showed that, [in 2012], at least 63 coalition troops — mostly Americans — had been killed and more than 85 wounded in at least 46 insider attacks. That's an average of nearly one attack a week."Isolated incidents," yeah, right......
In the latest attack, the governor said the Policewoman, police Sgt. Nargas, who like many Afghans goes by one name, had asked bystanders where the governor's office was located before confronting the American... She fired only one shot that struck the American in the chest. He died either on the way or just upon arrival at a hospital.....
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شركة مكافحة الفئران براس الخيمة
تتميز شركة التاج الملكي بأنها أفضل وأكبر
ReplyDeleteشركة مكافحة حشرات بدبى
، حيث تعتمد شركتنا على جذب العملاء من جميع أنحاء دبي، فتعتمد
شركة مكافحة حشرات فى دبى
على أفضل المعدات والألات والمبيدات الحشرية التي تستخدم في قتل الحشرات نهائياَ من المنزل وعدم عودتها مرة أخرى، فالحشرات جميعها تقوم التاج الملكى ل
خدمات مكافحة حشرات دبى
بطردها سواء كانت حشرات طائرة أم حشرات زاحفة، فعادة تكون الحشرات الكثيرة في مدينة دبي هي الصراصير والرمة والفئران، حيث نعرض لكم اليوم ما تقوم به
شركة مكافحة حشرات دبى
من طرد الحشرات بجميع أنواعها وتقوم بعمل نصايح للعملاء حتى لا تعود الحشرات مرة أخرى.
أفضل شركة مكافحة حشرات دبي لابد أن تتوافر العديد من المقومات في شركة
مكافحة حشرات دبى
، حيث يطلق عليها من الشركات الأفضل في هذا المجال، فتعتبر
شركة مكافحة البق دبى
من أفضل الشركات التي توجد في الوطن العربي لما توفره من مقومات وجودة فتوفر لعملائها العديد من الخدمات التي تميزها عن غيرها من الخدمات.
شركة مكافحة الرمة دبى
تقضي تماماً على جميع أنواع الرمة وعادة تكثر الرمة في المناطق الصحراوية التي توجد بدبي، فتقوم الشركة بعمل معاينة لمعرفة من أين يخرج هذا النمل الأبيض ثم تقوم بمعالجة هذه الأماكن وسدها بسبب أختراق الرمة منها والتي تنتشر من خلالها الرمة بكثرة.
حيث أن
شركة مكافحة الفئران دبى
، و
شركة مكافحة الثعابين دبى
من أكبر الشركات التي توجد في دبي ولها العديد من العملاء الذين يأتون إليها من جميع دول العالم لما تتميز بالجودة والدقة في العمل مما يعمل على جذب العملاء
شركة مكافحة الصراصير دبى
بعمل خصومات رائعة لعملائها وتقوم
افضل شركة مكافحة حشرات دبى
بتوفير الخدمات والمميزات اللازمة في مجال مكافحة الحشرات.