Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rouhani, Iranians make a mockery of "all options are on the table"

Iranians with placards and signs reading, "We are ready for the great battle", "We are eager for the options on the table", during a rally this week in celebration of the anniversary of the Iranian, Islamic revolution

Iranians burn, and stamp on, an American flag during a peaceful rally this week, in celebration of the anniversary of the Iranian, Islamic revolution

Although the Obama administration has issued statements in the past asserting rather meekly and artificially that all options are on the table with regards to Iran's nuclear program, including a military option, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made a mockery of that notion during a rally Tuesday marking the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution:

"If some have delusions of having any threats against Iran on their tables, they need to wear new glasses. There is no military option against Iran on any table in the world!" Rouhani said.

The crowd of fanatical Iranian regime loyalists attending the rally joined in on the fun.

Placards and banners handed out to the giddy crowd of celebrants read: "We are eager for the options on the table", a reference to the Obama administration's laughable and feeble statements regarding the so-called "options" on Iran's nuclear program. Other signs read: "We are ready for the great battle." “Death to the U.S.A."

However, although the Iranian regime loyalists seemed to relish the moment, they also seemed a bit impatient. And, for them to be impatient, is totally unwarranted, because ultimately time is on their side.

From here on, Iran's nuclear centrifuges will remain intact, as per the Obama administration's agreement with Iran. And, as one US nuclear expert has stated, even if Iran were to merely insert inert gas into the centrifuges, instead of uranium, they still could conduct extensive testing, and crucial design work, on their centrifuges - and thereby advance their nuclear aspirations.

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, told a group of Iranian Air Force commanders on Monday: "Not only will the Islamic Republic of Iran not retreat in the nuclear technology arena, but it will work at a faster pace to boost the quality and application of this technology. The Iranian nuclear chief also said that, "In the area of nuclear research and development, we have not accepted any constraints and will continue our activities."

Mr. Salehi added that Iran can switch back its nuclear activities to their original state "in a matter of hours."


On Monday, Iran's Defense Minister announced that Iran has successfully test-fired two new missiles, including a radar-evading, long-range ballistic missile with an advanced fragmentation warhead.

Iran already possesses long-range surface-to-surface Shahab missiles with a range about 2,000 km (1,250 miles) that are capable of reaching Israel and U.S. military bases in the Middle East, Reuters noted.

Ballistic missiles can be used to deliver nuclear weapons.

Each passing day, Iran continues to procure and develop more and more advanced weaponry.

Hence, there's no need for the Iranian regime loyalists to be impatient and to get all antsy and restless; time is on their side; they just need to bide their time, kick back and chill, and, yes, relish the moment - which they already seem to be doing, albeit in antsy fashion.

Commenting on recent reports that Iran has sent a fleet of naval warships towards the U.S. maritime borders, a senior Iranian army official said Monday: “The world has been taken aback by the entrance of the Iranian fleet of warships in the Atlantic Ocean and this is one of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution.”

But I beg to differ with the Iranian army official, because while I, and others, were certainly taken aback by the fleet of Iranian naval warships approaching the U.S. maritime borders, I do not attribute this phenomenon to the Islamic Revolution, but rather I attribute it to President Obama.

Let me just say this to the Iranian army official: The good thing about the Obama's Presidency, for you guys, is that you can do whatever you want........

FOX News' Bret Baier explained the video clip above: "President Obama remarked on how presidents can do whatever they want. He and French President François Hollande were touring Monticello, the mountaintop home of Thomas Jefferson. The president wanted to walk out and break protocol by looking at the landscape."

"We're breaking protocol here," President Obama explained as he walked out on a terrace at Monticello. "That's the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want."

Yep. But as far as the Iranians are concerned, the good thing about Obama being the US President is that THEY can do whatever THEY want........