Friday, October 3, 2008

The Ends Justifies the Means!

Questions have arisen in the blogosphere as to whether Mosques that participate in voter registration drives should lose their tax-exempt status.

For example:

CAIR has recently been conducting voter registration drives inside Mosques all across the country. One such registration drive was held on Sunday at the Bait-Ul-Ilm in Streamwood, Illinois.

MAFO [Muslim Americans for Obama] is also conducting registration drives at mosques in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio this week during Ramadan celebrations. One of the mosques Dar al-Hijrah in Falls Church, VA, is the mosque that hosted two of the 9/11 hijackers, Nawaf Al Hazmi and Khalid Al Mihdhar.

CAIR could argue, perhaps, that it is acting as a non-partisan organization, however, "Muslim Americans for Obama" would have a difficult time making the same argument. Thus, Mosques that participate in voter registration drives sponsored by MAFO should lose their tax exempt status.

Just a few days ago, CAIR asked the IRS to investigate whether the Clarion Fund - a non-profit organization behind the distribution of an anti-Islamic terrorist film to 28 million homes in presidential election swing states - has violated laws governing its tax-exempt status. - [H/T - Z-Truth.]:

From Market Watch:

In a letter to Steven T. Miller, commissioner of the IRS's Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, CAIR wrote in part:

"[I]ndependent observers have suggested that the distribution of the DVD was an obvious attempt by the Clarion Fund to participate in campaign activities and intervene in the 2008 presidential election."
But apparently, CAIR's voter registration drives - in Mosques all across the country - are all non-partisan and the Mosques that participate in these activities are acting within the full spirit of the law....

Several months ago, the Z-Truth blog posted a video from ''Muslim Americans for Obama'' and noted as follows:

Great pictures but weird, overall! You need to watch this one - there's an anger to it. Are there machine-gun sounds at the end of it? OMG - yes! [at the very end of the video]

Illegal voter registration drives, machine-gun fire? Apparently, organizations like MAFO, believe in the old adage that says, 'the ends [helping Obama win the election] justifies the means'. Hopefully, the IRS will act promptly to remove the tax exempt status from any Mosque that participates in MAFO's voter registration drive.

And as far as those machine-gun sounds are concerned, someone ought to contact Homeland Security about that.....