Thursday, August 25, 2011

Oil bubbling near site of Deep Water Horizon spill

Despite previous reassurances from the White House that the President's bumbling incompetency and procrastinatory behavior during the Deep Water Horizon oil spill did not have a long-term detrimental effect on the waters surrounding the damaged well, oil is still showing up at the ocean's surface:
Oil is again bubbling to the surface of the Gulf of Mexico near the epicenter of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Reporters... loaded into a boat Tuesday to inspect the site. Equipped with cameras, the reporters discovered “hundreds of small, circular patches of oily sheen” within a mile of the well.

“Floating in a boat near the well site..., reporters watched blobs of oil rise to the surface and bloom into iridescent yellow patches... Those patches quickly expanded into rainbow sheens 4 to 5 feet across.”...

“Each expanding bloom released a pronounced and pungent petroleum smell. Most of the oil was located in a patch about 50 yards wide and a quarter of a mile long.”

Petroleum engineers are concerned that oil is leaking from the floor of the Gulf near the sealed well.


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