Thursday, December 29, 2011

One-Percenter eats high class dinner at Alan Wong's restaurant

Addressing a crowd at a Town Hall meeting in Atkinson, Illinois, this past Summer, President Obama stated as follows:
There have been times in my life [when] things were a little tight, when [Michelle and I] were just starting a family and had all these new expenses, and we had to make some choices. We didn’t say to ourselves, well, we’re not going to put any money into the college fund so we can keep on eating fancy dinners anytime we want...
Well, Obama's financial situation is no longer "tight". In fact, the President can now count himself among the lucky 1%, who can afford the luxury of eating fancy dinners, at fancy restaraunts, anytime they want. And that's precisely what Mr. Obama - the One-Percenter - did Wednesday evening.

The president, first lady Michelle Obama, and friends spent about three hours at Alan Wong's, a restaurant in Honolulu. The press pool van had reportedly been "peeled off early" – a few blocks from the restaurant - while the President's motorcade continued on to Mr. Wong’s restaurant.

However, a CNN reporter, who happened to be dining at the restaraunt when the President arrived, passed on the following report to the the press pool:
The Obama party had a special 5-course tasting menu for $75 a person, $105 per person with wine pairings for each course... Diners have been trying to takes pictures of POTUS, only to be chased off by advance staffers.
Of course, President Obama and the First Lady, when attending various fundraisers, have offered to pose for pictures with their campaign donors. And, for the right price, some Obama supporters have even had the honor of dining with the President. But these particular diners - the ones who were eating at the restaraunt when the President made his surprise entrance - did not write out any checks to Obama, hence - as would be expected - they were given the shaft....


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