A 13-year-old boy was interrogated at his school by Secret Service agents without his mother's permission after posting a message about Osama Bin Laden on Face book.In April of 2009, the news media reported that the Obama administration had urged the US Supreme Court to overturn a landmark decision that stops police from questioning suspects unless they have a lawyer present. But apparently, the administration also believes that a 13-year-old boy can be questioned by the Secret Service without his parents being present.
Following the Al Qaeda leader's death, Tacoma schoolboy Vito LaPinta wrote on his Face book page that President Barack Obama should be be wary of repercussions.
'I was saying how Osama was dead and for Obama to be careful because there could be suicide bombers,' he said.
A week later he was sitting in class at Truman Middle School, Washington, when he was called into the Principal's office.
Vito said: 'A man walked in with a suit and glasses and he said he was part of the Secret Service.
He 'told me it was because of a post I made that indicated I was a threat toward the President. I was very scared.'...
Timi Robertson, the boys mother said: 'I just about lost it. My 13-year-old son is supposed to be safe and secure in his classroom and he's being interrogated without my knowledge or consent, privately.'
She then rushed to the school only to discover her son had already been questioned for half an hour.
The seventh grader said that once his mother arrived the agent finished the interview and told him he was not in any trouble.
Ms Robertson said she isn't financially able to take legal action but hopes the episode raises awareness about the treatment she said her son endured.
The Seattle branch of the Secret Service did not respond to requests for comment.
Did the Secret Service give the boy his Miranda rights before questioning him?
How did they interrogate the boy?
Did they use psychological scare tactics? Sleep deprivation? Or, did they force the boy to listen to songs composed by the rap artist, known as "Common"?
Although the President is reportedly a big fan of "Common", nevertheless, the melodies in which the singer glorifies the shooting of police officers and the burning of George W. Bush - while not problematic in Obama's eyes - would almost certainly force the 13-year-old into submission.
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